Secondary Service Connection


Veterans who have suffered a disabling injury or disease as a direct result of their military service can receive “direct service connection” compensation. An example would be a veteran who has suffered a serious foot injury that has affected their gait or a service-member who has become paralyzed for the remainder of their life. Almost any serious service-related injury can turn the veteran’s life upside down and deserves fair compensation from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

The compensation may not end there, however, since many original direct service-connected injuries or diseases can cause secondary service-connected injuries that would not have occurred otherwise. For example, a foot injury and altered gait could lead to chronic back pain and related conditions. An amputation injury could make it difficult for a veteran to find employment after their discharge from the military. All of these cases involve additional damages besides the original service-related injury.

Veterans have the right to request secondary service connection compensation to cover the damages caused by the consequent injury. The most important part of the application process is to prove that your more recent injury or disease is directly caused by your original service-related disability.


In order to receive additional VA disability for a secondary service-connected disability, you must file a claim with the VA that proves the validity of your disability and that it was directly caused by your original service-connected disability. Such a claim can be filed at the VA office in your area. It is highly recommended that you obtain counsel if you are planning to do so. A VSO or a VA disability lawyer can help you complete the application in detail and have a strong chance of being awarded the additional benefits that you need and deserve.